Akintola Olufemi Ejiwunmi - Online Memorial Website

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Akintola Ejiwunmi
Född i Nigeria
72 years
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TEDDY ADUKUS (U.S.A) REVEREND FATHER (Catholic) January 31, 2013
O my God! Did I just realize that you the indormitable Honourable Jurist is no more? Transported to the great beyond? Adieu my friend! From Benin to Lagos and to Abuja (Supreme Court) during my call to the Nigeria Barr in May 2002. You are indeed, a great father, mentor and man of faith. Septermber 2007, You told me in Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom; when I ASKED YOU TO GIVE ME THE REASON WHY YOU WERE STUDYING CANON LAW IN CARDIFF. That your Archbishop (ANGLICAN COMMUNION, NIGERIA) says "you need it as Chancellor of the communion". I really have never known such A GENTLEMAN SIMPLICITER. A great legal lumimary you were, but always gentle, unassuming but eloquent and asserting. You introduced me to many great men of the SUPREME COURT JUSTICE BENCH in Nigeria; YET YOU WERE ALWAYS DIFFERENT. I APPRECIATE YOU, YOUR GOD GIVEN TALENTS AND YOUR UNEQUALED CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE NIGERIAN LEGAL SYSTEM. MAY OUR GOOD GOD REST YOU ETERNALLY. AMEN
S. A. DOSUNMU DR. July 3, 2008

July 3, 2008

Mrs. Ivie Ejiwunmi & Family

1A Gerard Road,

Ikoyi, Lagos.




On behalf of the Management and staff of the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA), I wish to commiserate with you and extend our heartfelt sympathies on the death of your husband and patriarch of your family.


The late Justice Akintola Ejiwunmi was a most valued friend of the Agency who never failed to put his expertise and wealth of experience in Maritime and Admiralty matters at the disposal of the Agency whenever called upon to do so.


I must say that his death is not only a sad loss to the legal profession, but the country in general.  We are however consoled by the rich legacies of hardwork, objectivity and transparency he left behind.


Once more, accept our condolence as we pray that his gentle soul rest in peace and the Almighty God to give you, the family and all those that he left behind, the grace and fortitude to bear this irreparable loss.



Dr. S. A. Dosunmu

Director General,

Nigerian Maritime Administration & Safety Agency,

4, Burma Road, Apapa, Lagos.

Hon. Justice R.N. Ukeje LETTER OF SINCERE CONDOLENCES July 3, 2008

RN/PERS/0608/15                                    28th June, 2008.


Mrs. Ivie Ejiwunmi,









I write to convey to you, Dear Mrs. Ejiwunmi, and through you, to your children and Grand children, my very sincere Condolences on the sudden and Painful demise of your Darling Husband and Father, His Lordship, the Hon. Justice Akintola Olufemi Ejiwunmi, CON, JSC, on 20th  June, 2008.


I believe that one of the most ingenious designs and our Almighty God instituted that no one should know “his where” and “his when”, “his How” of departure from this world. Or, put differently in biblical terms, No one knows “the Hour”.


In that regards, Capt. Ukeje and myself were with His Lordship on the Virgin Flight to London on the 4th of June, 2008. There was no sign that His Lordship would be leaving us soon. Now, neither His Lordship nor ourselves can appeal God’s decision in the matter. It is painfully final.


I therefore urge you to bear this irreparably sad loss with Christian fortitude and with renewed faith in God.


It is of comfort that His Lordship departed at a time when the Nigerian Judiciary is once again gaining acceptance in the minds and hearts of the Nigeria populace.


The only homage and tribute we, the Judiciary of Nigeria, can pay to His Lordship is to ensure that the values of this stoic Jurist, the Hon. Justice Adetola Ejiwunmi, CON, JSC, quintessential Jurist, Devout Christian, Devoted Husband, Dotting Father and Grand Father, a worthy Nigeria. Your Lordship has paid Your dues to the Country, to the Family, to the Profession, to the Church of the Anglican Communion.


Fare Thee well.   


May the Angels usher Your Lordship into the presence of Our Heavenly Father.


Mrs. Ejiwunmi, children and grand children. Please be Consoled.






                                Hon. Justice R.N. Ukeje, OFR, (Rtd).

                                                  Former Chief Judge,

                                                  Federal High Court.










tunde oshifade tribute July 2, 2008

To me i strongly believe the God who gives also takes he who has created him as taking him away my word goes to the wife to stay calm hold on to God may is gentle soul rest in perfect peace on behalf of the entire members of All saints church yaba we say we missssssssssssssssssssssssssss yha

Charles Edosomwan,SAN TRIBUTE TO A GENTLEMAN OF JUSTICE July 1, 2008

Just today I was reading a case in which the late Justice Ejiwunmi revealed the leading light on a matter of election petition appeals that had hitherto posed a frustrating problem to us lawyers, and in great sadness realised what a loss we'd suffer in his death. Justice Ejiwunmi was not just a gentleman simpliciter, he was a gifted jurist with a rare quality for effectively always directing the law towards the ends of justice as he saw them. His perspectives of justice were always from spectra erected on solid and just foundations.

Personally, I would miss a generous mentor who showed love easily as if it was second nature.

May his gentle soul rest in peace, amen.

Charles Uwensuyi-Edosomwan,SAN & Family

Tosin Ejiwunmi Always available June 30, 2008

My darling Big Uncle!!! You were always so available and accesible to talk to and be with! Thank you for always calling me up when you were in the States!! You were always kind & thoughtful & such a great thinker! You shared your life with those around you and loved everyone. Thank you for leaving the legacy of family and love, may we continue to embrace the things that will "always last" for here and eternity!

Till we meet again...Love you and continue your rejoicing with the Lord Jesus!

Kingsley Samson Malgwi Condolence Message June 30, 2008

My lord,


The news of your demise from this sinful world came to me as a rude shock but who are we to query God as He knows the reason and the best.


Rest in perfect peace and till we come.




Kingsley Samson Malgwi - friend

Anthony George Friend to the end June 30, 2008

It was with great sadness and a heavy heart that we received the news of Uncle Tola's passing. A life long friend to my late father Moji George who passed away on 15 July 2006, he and Aunty Ivie were there for my mum and the family providing comfort and guidance. My Dad is waiting at those pearly gates to welcome you Uncle Tola. Rest in perfect peace.


On behalf of the George family.

Anthony George

Sunderland, UK

Rasheed Alaba Williams Chief June 30, 2008





As you make your way to a better place my friend and brother, as we fondly called each other, know that you were a beacon of light, an inspiration, a role model, an icon of the legal profession, a star among stars.


A father who birthed beautiful and forthright children, and wifed a gem of a woman, my sister in-law, Ivie. You were indeed a true friend to your friends, a Goodman, very young at heart, a true servant of truth and justice, a model for the true Nigerian.


May the good lord grant you passage into his kingdom and shower you with love, support, kindness, and tenfold, that which you showed your fellow men and women while you were amongst us.


Ore and I will greatly miss you especially your charming smiles, our constant calls to each other and love toward us.


Fare well my friend and brother.




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